Unless public health conditions significantly deteriorate, traffic and criminal arraignments will resume at the Oklahoma City Municipal Court on Sept. 14 as it moves to Phase 2 of its re-opening.
“We’ve come up with a process that we think will continue to move us forward in minimizing the exposure of COVID-19 to our visitors and employees,” said Municipal Court Administrator LaShawn Thompson. “We’ve made changes to our policies and within the building to maximize safety. We have made special accommodations for anyone with unique needs on a case-by-case basis, so everyone will be confident that we have prioritized their safety when they visit our building.”
Phase 1 began June 1 with some operations resuming. Phase 2 begins Sept. 14 when traffic and criminal arraignments resume. The Court will provide more information on Phase 3 when appropriate in a news release, on social media, at okc.gov/court and at covid19.okc.gov.
Anyone with a court date on Sept. 14 or later should pay the fine, appear in court or make other arrangements with Court staff. Failure to take action on or before your court date could result in an arrest warrant.
Court personnel will contact people if cases need to be re-scheduled. For case updates or to make sure the Court has your most recent contact information, call Court Services at (405) 297-3898 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays).
You can pay tickets without a hearing using the online payment link at okc.gov/court or by calling (405) 297-3898 during business hours.
Phase 2 Municipal Court operations
- The Municipal Court building is open 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, except City-observed holidays. The pay window is open an extra half-hour until 5:30 p.m.
- Do not visit our building if you feel sick, if you’re over age 65 or if you have a serious underlying medical condition. Call us during business hours at (405) 297-3898 to reschedule.
- Face coverings are required. Disposable face masks will be provided when you enter the building if you don’t have your own.
- Only defendants, parents or responsible guardians of defendants, attorneys and other people required to attend a court proceeding (witnesses, jurors, etc.) may enter the courtroom. No other guests.
- Staff at a checkpoint at the entrance of the Municipal Court building will ensure everyone entering the building has an authorized purpose and is screened for a fever.
- Check-in and admittance for court sessions will be allowed 30 minutes before the start of the docket.
- Cases will be scheduled with courtroom capacity in mind to allow for safe social distancing inside.
- Probation interviews will be conducted by videoconference.
- The only dockets in Phase 1 and 2 will be for animal control cases; environmental cases; traffic and criminal arraignments and trials; and jury division arraignments and dispositions. All other cases and hearings will be rescheduled.
Procedures for customers and employees are designed to limit in-person contact as much as possible. High-traffic touch points like counters, elevators and bathrooms will be cleaned multiple times daily, and the building will be extensively cleaned after court sessions. Hand sanitizing stations and cleaning wipes are available.
The deadline to clear eligible old warrants at a reduced cost using the Penalty Reduction Program has been extended to Dec. 31 because of the pandemic. Read more here.
Visit covid19.okc.gov for the latest local COVID-19 news, guidance and City services updates.
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Media Contact
LaShawn Thompson
(405) 297-2673