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In June, Councilman Mark Stonecipher (Ward 8) and Councilman Todd Stone (Ward 4) hosted a meeting with local commercial and residential developers, local engineers and the Directors of the Public Works, Utilities and Development Services Departments to discuss the plan review and permitting process. The department heads reviewed the process that staff use to evaluate, comment and request revisions to building, paving, drainage, traffic, fire protection and water and sewer line plans for each development. Staff discussed the impact of vacancies and training of new employees on the timeliness and consistency of reviews over the last year. Developers expressed concerns including unwritten policy changes, inconsistent reviews and long delays when revised plans are submitted.
City staff discussed steps that had been taken to fill vacancies and train new employees to improve timeliness and consistency. They also pointed out that the type of pre-development meeting suggested by some developers is available upon request and at no additional fee. Staff pointed out that developers could help streamline the process by submitting complete plans for all the projects components at the initial submission. Public Works is developing an online plan review status update tool as a convenience for developers. Utilities discussed the anticipated improvements that would be coming as soon as next summer with the implementation of electronic plan review. This project is currently in the process of vendor selection.
The meeting concluded with Councilmen Stonecipher and Stone thanking the developers for their participation in the meeting. By working on understanding and improving business processes we can all grow the City together. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding development permitting, please email them to Christylla Miles at Also, if you would like to attend our next meeting, email us at the same address.