City of OKC
Home MenuStreets and Sidewalks
Check out the interactive map and table to see the streets and sidewalks projects included in the bond package. Keep scrolling below the map for more information.
The largest component of the entire bond package is $491 million for streets and sidewalks. Streets are perennially a top concern among Oklahoma City residents, which is reflected in the size of the investment included in the bond package.
Click here to see the streets and sidewalks project list.
Streets that have the roughest ride and serve a lot of people are the best ones to prioritize for resurfacing. Rebuilding streets also provides an opportunity to make them safer for cyclists and pedestrians with better intersections and more amenities for safety.
Community Benefits
Smoother streets reduce wear and tear on the vehicles that use them, helping to limit maintenance costs. Streets in excellent condition allow the driver to focus more attention on traffic, signals and pedestrians.
A better pedestrian network makes it easier to stay healthy, and also accommodate people with disabilities and people who don’t own a car. The easier it is to walk, the more likely people are to get outside and be active. It also boosts our economy. Making it easier to get to nearby businesses means people are more likely to shop locally instead of online, keeping more money in our community.
Examples from the 2007 Bond Program
- 350 lane miles of new, rebuilt or resurfaced streets
- 48 arterial street widening projects
- 100+ miles of sidewalks
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