Unless public health conditions significantly deteriorate, the juvenile docket will resume at the Oklahoma City Municipal Court on Nov. 2 as it moves to Phase 3 of its re-opening.
10/21/2020 10:05 AM
Quy định đeo khẩu trang ở Thành phố Oklahoma có hiệu lực ít nhất tới ngày 07/12 sau khi Hội đồng Thành phố bầu chọn vào thứ Ba để gia hạn các yêu cầu đeo khẩu trang ở những nơi công cộng.
10/13/2020 10:41 AM
La ordenanza sobre mascarillas de la Ciudad de Oklahoma City seguirá en vigor por lo menos hasta el 7 de diciembre después de que el Concejo Municipal aprobó el martes por votación la extensión del requisito de usar cubiertas faciales en espacios públicos bajo techo.
10/13/2020 10:09 AM
Oklahoma City’s mask ordinance is in place until at least Dec. 7 after the City Council voted Tuesday to extend the requirement to wear face coverings in indoor public places.
10/13/2020 9:41 AM
The City of Oklahoma City is hiring across a variety of career fields, with listed positions across the organization waiting for the right applicant.
10/12/2020 1:00 PM
Request an absentee ballot by Oct. 27 to vote by mail in the Nov. 3 special election on proposed Oklahoma City Charter amendments that are primarily intended to modernize wording, address inconsistencies and resolve discrepancies with state law.
10/12/2020 8:00 AM
With about three months to go before the federal government’s deadline, the City of Oklahoma City is on track to spend its COVID-19 relief funding on pandemic response, testing and tracing, and community support.
10/02/2020 8:29 AM
Oklahoma City is celebrating Bike to Work Day on Friday, and cyclists can enjoy the ride in a protected bike lane for the first time.
09/24/2020 2:00 PM
The voter registration deadline is Oct. 9 for the Nov. 3 special election on proposed Oklahoma City Charter amendments that are primarily intended to modernize wording, address inconsistencies and resolve discrepancies with state law.
09/24/2020 10:31 AM
The annual drawings for duck blinds at Lake Stanley Draper and Stinchcomb Wildlife Refuge will be Sept. 26.
09/18/2020 8:00 AM
Oklahoma City Manager Craig Freeman is in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19.
09/14/2020 3:10 PM
Three new shelters at busy EMBARK bus stops and an upgraded crosswalk have been installed in northeast Oklahoma City thanks to an air quality grant.
09/09/2020 11:09 AM
Unless public health conditions significantly deteriorate, traffic and criminal arraignments will resume at the Oklahoma City Municipal Court on Sept. 14 as it moves to Phase 2 of its re-opening.
09/09/2020 9:42 AM
Quy định đeo khẩu trang ở Thành phố Oklahoma có hiệu lực ít nhất tới ngày 20/10 sau khi Hội đồng Thành phố bầu chọn vào thứ Ba để gia hạn các yêu cầu đeo khẩu trang ở những nơi công cộng.
09/04/2020 10:14 AM
La ordenanza sobre mascarillas de la Ciudad de Oklahoma City seguirá en vigor por lo menos hasta el 20 de octubre después de que el Concejo Municipal aprobó el martes por votación la extensión del requisito de usar cubiertas faciales en espacios públicos bajo techo.
09/04/2020 10:01 AM
Septiembre es el mes de EMSAcare en la Ciudad de Oklahoma City. Es cuando los residentes de Oklahoma City pueden cambiar su membresía con el servicio de ambulancia del 1 al 30 de septiembre.
09/02/2020 2:51 PM
In the fourth monthly report showing effects from the COVID-19 economic crash, the August sales and use tax summary shows combined General Fund collections in Oklahoma City were well above the monthly projection and up slightly compared to the same month last year.
09/01/2020 2:27 PM
Oklahoma City’s mask ordinance is in place until at least Oct. 20 after the City Council voted Tuesday to extend the requirement to wear face coverings in indoor public places.
09/01/2020 1:24 PM
September is EMSAcare month in Oklahoma City, when Oklahoma City residents may change their membership with the ambulance service from Sept. 1-30.
08/31/2020 8:50 AM
Starting Aug. 27, owners and operators of live performance venues in Oklahoma City may go to okcSmallBizHelp.com to apply for COVID-19 disaster relief funds from the City of Oklahoma City’s Small Business Continuity Program.
08/26/2020 1:42 PM