City of OKC
Utilities Department MenuUnderstanding Your Bill
Example residential customer bill with 2020 rates, click here for current service rates and fees.
- Customer Information: Name on the account, service address, and Oklahoma City Utilities account number.
- Billing Date, Amount Due, and Due Date: Residential customers are billed monthly, and payment is due within 15 days of the billing date. Payment is considered past due seven days after the due date.
- Account Summary & Additional Charges: Previous balance and payment received along with any additional charges. The previous balance has been paid in full with no past-due balance or late fees in this example.
- Statement Detail:
- Water Domestic: The City's residential water rates are a four-tier inclining rate structure. Monthly water consumption is charged in units of 1,000 gallons. In this example, the previous and current meter reads show consumption of 41 units, equivalent to 41,000 gallons. If the water meter cannot be accessed, an estimate using previous use will be billed.
- Water and Sewer Base Charges: Every customer pays the base rate, which is a static monthly rate based on the account’s meter size. Base charges recover necessary administrative and operational costs, such as billing, collection, meter reading, and maintenance.
- Sewer Charge: Sewer charge is based on a resident’s Winter Average* . The Utilities Department uses your Winter Average to set a cap on your monthly sewer charge for the year, starting in April. Your Winter Average is re-calculated each year, so using less water during winter months by turning off your sprinkler systems and watching for leaks can help you save money on your bill all year. The Winter Average for new residential customers is 7,000 gallons.
- Trash Services: Includes fees for blue trash carts, green recycling carts, and bulky pick-up
- Drainage Fee (unfunded EPA mandate): This fee is required by the Environmental Protection Agency and assists with evaluation, treatment, and education for Oklahoma City's storm water system.
- EMSAcare: Customers can enroll in this program or opt-out. In this example, the account is enrolled in EMSAcare.
- Current Charges Due: The total due for water consumed with base charges and other fees.
- Water Usage Summary: Chart includes 12 months of consumption. The left axis reflects 1,000 gallons (units) used, and the bottom axis indicates months in the 12-month period.
*Winter Average: For most residential customers, the flat monthly sewer charge is based on the average amount of water billed during December, January, and February. The Utilities Department uses your Winter Average to set a cap on your monthly sewer charge for the year, starting in April. Your Winter Average is re-calculated each year, so using less water during winter months by turning off your sprinkler systems and watching for leaks can help you save money on your water bill all year.