City of OKC
Utilities Department MenuBy The Numbers
By The Numbers
Ever wonder just what it takes to run a municipal water utility? Or serve 1.4 million residents with treated water and wastewater? Or service more than 223,000 trash and recycling customers each month?
Here's a snapshot of what it took to operate the OKC Utilities Department in FY 2022-2023, by the numbers:
808 budgeted employee positions
236,445 water customer accounts
223,908 wastewater accounts
223,475 solid waste management accounts
7,343 miles of water and wastewater pipeline managed and maintained
41.75 billion gallons of water treated
24.4 billion gallons of wastewater treated
3,001,136 meter readings
3,121,474 bills issued
413,054 inbound calls to customer service handled
263,488 tons of trash collected
16,618 tons of recycling processed
44,384 tons of bulky waste handled
16,962 Line Maintenance work orders completed
3,635 wastewater pre-treatment customers inspected
97% of Utilities fleet in daily service
27,613 employee training hours completed
1,065 engineering development plans reviewed