City of OKC
Planning Department MenuRural Medium LUTA
Rural – Medium LUTA is similar to the Rural – Low Typology Area except that it allows higher housing densities. RM areas typically have lot sizes between 2 and 5 acres. These areas are usually located near a fire station, or at least have rural levels of fire service. RM areas are typically located adjacent to Urban – Low and Urban Future typologies, which are areas intended to urbanize in the future. While there is no expectation for urban services, RM areas may have City water or have limited potential to connect to City water or sewer service, and may become more integrated into the urbanized area in the distant future. Commercial and light industrial uses may be appropriate provided they do not negatively impact the rural residential character.
Existing RM Areas
- AA – Agriculture: 5-acre lots
- R-A – Rural Residential – Generally 1-acre lots
- RC – Rural Commercial – Minimum 1-acre lots
- Generally, no sewer, some have water service
- No amenity space required
- Residential: Front yard: minimum 40-50 feet from the street
- Residential: Side and rear yards: minimum 25 feet from the property line
- Commercial: Front yard: minimum 25 feet from the street
- Commercial: Side and rear yards: minimum 15 and 25 feet from the property line
- Residential: 35 feet maximum
- Commercial: 35 feet max next to residential otherwise up to 6 stories
Typical RM residential subdivision with no creeks/significant trees.
Typical RM residential subdivision with creeks/environmental features.
Lots can be platted to contain creeks and floodplain (blue, pink, yellow shades); maintenance for floodplain conflicts with private ownership.
Example current plat note: Maintenance of the common areas and/or private drainage easements on the plat shall be the responsibility of the property owners association. No structures, storage material, grading, fill or other obstructions including fences, either temporary or permanent, shall be placed within the common areas shown.
Proposed RM areas
Residential Zones: 1-acre to 2-acre or greater lots
The smaller the lot size, the more overall amenity space is required; amenity space can include protection for environmental sensitive areas like creeks and woodlands and would not be part of a lot where residential can be constructed
RC – Rural Commercial – minimum 3-acre lot (to not cut up the countryside)
- Residential: Front yard: minimum varies from 25 to 40 feet from the street
- Residential: Side and rear yards: minimum 10 to 35 feet from the property line
- Commercial: Front Yard: 50 feet from the street
- Commercial: Side and rear yards: 20 to 30 feet from the property line, unless adjacent to residential, then 75 feet from the property line
- Residential: 35 feet
- Commercial: 45 feet
More trees and open areas required in exchange for more homes and smaller lots sizes.
Required open spaces for environmental protection.